palaeoverse 1.4.0
CRAN release: 2024-10-14
- Several updates to palaeorotate
- Mantle reference frame models removed
- TorsvikCocks2017 model added
- Added updated reconstruction files (1 myr resolution)
- Fixed point plotting bug in tax_range_strat
- Added lat_bins_area (#114)
- Replaced lat_bins with lat_bins_degrees
- Made all functions tibble-friendly (#118)
palaeoverse 1.3.0
CRAN release: 2024-04-16
- Added plot customisability to tax_range_time (#99)
- Update palaeorotate to handle updates with GPlates API (#112)
- New function to create stratigraphic range plots, tax_range_strat (#97)
- Added age arguments (max_ma/min_ma) to bin_time (#106)
- Added warning to bin_time (#104)
- Improved link accessibility (#88)
- Fix superfluous columns in palaeorotate (#110)
palaeoverse 1.2.0
CRAN release: 2023-04-18
- time_bins updated to enable users to call geological time scales from Macrostrat
- Fixed minor documentation error in tax_range_time
- Fixed unnecessary column output in palaeorotate (#78)
- Fixed binding issues with the “point” method in palaeorotate for some specific datasets (#78)
- Removed deeptime dependency
- Updated font colors in GTS2012 and GTS2020 based on background luminance
- Fixed multi-model call in palaeorotate for the “point” method which did not return all requested model coordinates (#82)
- Fixed an erroneous entry in interval_key (#84)
- Added two tutorial vignettes (#31)
- Fixed a tax_range_space bug for custom column names
palaeoverse 1.1.1
CRAN release: 2023-02-16
- palaeoverse now requires deeptime (>= 1.0.0)
- Added additional test to catch when Zenodo is offline (palaeorotate)
- Added a coords argument to the tax_range_space function to control whether coordinates are returned
- palaeorotate documentation updated to reflect updates to GPlates Web Service (#74)
- MULLER2022 plate rotation model made available in palaeorotate (#74)
- model argument in palaeorotate now allows multiple models to be called - palaeogeographic uncertainty is now calculated on the requested models
- max distance calculations in palaeorotate’s uncertainty functionality updated to use geosphere::distGeo
palaeoverse 1.1.0
CRAN release: 2023-01-12
- Added package-level documentation function
- bin_time now accepts user-defined probability function (#20)
- lat_bins now accepts user-defined latitudinal range (#23)
- bin_lat now has functionality for handling boundary occurrences (#23)
- tax_unique now supports arbitrary higher taxonomic levels (#52)
- time_bins now supports user input dataframes (#19)
- tax_unique now supports returning the unique names appended to the input dataframe (#51)
Minor bug fixes
- Updated palaeorotate reconstruction files to use an hexagonal equal-area grid (#59)
- Added error handling for when GPlates and Zenodo is offline
- Added default value for the round argument in palaeorotate
- Resolved issue with chunk processing in palaeorotate
- Fixed the behavior of time_bins(scale = “GTS2012”) (#62)
- Fixed tests when suggested packages were not installed (#64)
- Removed dependence of tests on divDyn and deeptime (#64)
- Fixed tax_range_time example (#60)
- Fixed look_up issue when handling pre-Cambrian occurrences (#63)
- tax_unique now retains homonyms from different higher taxonomic groups (#50)
- Fixed axis_geo for phylogenies (#68)