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A function to generate approximately equal-area latitudinal bins for a user-specified number of bins and latitudinal range. This approach is based on calculating the curved surface area of spherical segments bounded by two parallel discs.


lat_bins_area(n = 12, min = -90, max = 90, r = 6371, plot = FALSE)



numeric. A single numeric value defining the number of equal-area latitudinal bins to split the latitudinal range into (as defined by min and max).


numeric. A single numeric value defining the lower limit of the latitudinal range (defaults to -90).


numeric. A single numeric value defining the upper limit of the latitudinal range (defaults to 90).


numeric. The radius of the Earth in kilometres. Defaults to the volumetric mean radius of the Earth (6371 km). Other user-specified r values are accepted (e.g. equatorial radius 6378 km).


logical. Should a plot of the latitudinal bins be generated? If TRUE, a plot is generated. Defaults to FALSE.


A data.frame of user-defined number of latitudinal bins. The data.frame contains the following columns: bin (bin number), min (minimum latitude of the bin), mid (midpoint latitude of the bin), max (maximum latitude of the bin), area (the area of the bin in km2), area_prop (the proportional area of the bin across all bins).


Lewis A. Jones & Kilian Eichenseer


Kilian Eichenseer & Bethany Allen

See also

For bins with unequal area, but equal latitudinal range, see lat_bins_degrees.


# Generate 12 latitudinal bins
bins <- lat_bins_area(n = 12)
# Generate latitudinal bins for just the (sub-)tropics
bins <- lat_bins_area(n = 6, min = -30, max = 30)
# Generate latitudinal bins and a plot
bins <- lat_bins_area(n = 24, plot = TRUE)